WV102 英水帝江 Ying Shui Di Jiang (CN) - 乘風 Riding on the Wind 2CD



▼WV102: 英水帝江 Ying Shui Di Jiang - 乘風 Riding on the Wind
In memory of Mr. Malegebide a.k.a. DJ Evilbee (1978-2023)

- 6-panel trifold cover in 7" format
- w* obi & 3 postcards

It has been nearly 20 years since I met Zhao Yuan of Ying Shui Di Jiang. The first time I heard their music was around 2004/2005, with the hidden track “五人墓碑記” album from 復活 Resurrection’s album “國殤 National Martyr”. This piece featured Chinese chanting with high-intensity strings and industrial rhythms. At that time, the project was not yet called Ying Shui Di Jiang, but it can be considered its predecessor. Later on, the members and musical style evolved, absorbing elements of traditional folk music, ritual music, industrial, sampling, and scratching, transforming into an experimental musical art group with a variable lineup. They also participated in many domestic and international label releases.

Ying Shui Di Jiang comes from my hometown, Nanjing. When I listen to their music, many emotions and images surface, like grains of sand and the cosmos, and the cycle goes on and on and on. Almost all of Ying Shui Di Jiang's live performances are improvised. Over the years, I have only seen them live once, in a Siheyuan-style venue in Beijing. Both I and Li-Yang from Scattered Purgatory were captivated by the band's seamless collaboration and the layered atmosphere they created. Now, in 2024, WV Sorcerer Productions is honored to finally have the opportunity to release a double CD version of their music.

The two recordings are from live performances in July and September 2023, at the Crescendo Music Festival in Shanghai and the Hetu Music Festival in Nanjing, respectively. The album captures both performances in their entirety.

Sadly, after the Shanghai performance, band member Mr. Malegebide, a.k.a. DJ Evilbee, passed away due to illness, making the Shanghai performance the last time Ying Shui Di Jiang and his physical form shared the stage. It has been a year now. Ride on the wind, DJ Evilbee.

- Ruò Tán



兩份錄音是英水帝江在2023年7月和9月的兩次現場,分別是上海的漸強音樂節和南京的河圖室內音樂節。專輯記錄了這兩次現場的完整演奏,而在上海的演出之後,樂隊成員Mr. Malegebide a.k.a. DJ Evilbee不幸因病離世,上海的演出也成為了英水帝江和他的肉身的最後一次同台。今天是2024年7月27日,是DJ Evilbee的忌日,希望這份出品,他會滿意。終有一天,我們都會乘風而去。

- 若潭

CD 1 (Total length 59:23)

風起 Wind Rising
行走 Walking
漫天 All over the Sky
遠望 Looking into the Distance
驟雨 Torrents of Rain
塵土 Dust
殘月 Waning Moon

CD2 (Total length 46:54)

乘風 Riding on the Wind
萬蟲 Thousands of Insects
業獸 Beast of Karma
骨鎖 Aṭṭhi
迴向 Pattidāna
百非 Hundreds of Negations
廢母 Dethroned Mother
終章 Final Chapter

CD1 recorded live at 育音堂音樂公園 Yuyintang Park, Shanghai, 23.07.2023 - Total length 59:23
CD2 recorded live at 1701 Music Park, Nanjing, 16.09.2023 - Total length 46:54
(feat. 法線∅干擾 Normal Jamming)

All the music from these two sets is entirely improvised.

Mr. Malegebide: Drums Loop, DJ
陳卓 Chen Zhuo: Drums Loop, Synthesizer, Beats, Electric Guitar
趙元 Zhao Yuan: Shakuhachi, Bansuri, Xiao, Bone Flute, Fourholes Flute, Khene, Khloy, Dung-dkar, Cellobass, Jaw Harp
時劍波 Shi Jianbo: Acoustic Bass, Vocal
李俊 Li Jun: Electric Guitar, Vocal (CD1)
李雪靈 Li Xueling: Bass, Tingsha, Egg Shaker (CD2)
郭大為 Guo Dawei: Handpan, Santur, Shaman Drum, Kong Nyee (CD2)
鶴這豹脾氣 HzBpQ: Shahi Baaja, SOMA Pipe (CD2)
梁嘉猷 Liang Jiayou: VJ (CD2)

Mixed by 趙元 Zhao Yuan
Mastered by Thomas Stadnicki
Cover photography by 姜子勤 KANTSUKI & 若潭 Ruò Tán
Mr. Malegebide portrait photography by 狐狸叔叔 Uncle Fox
Concert photography by 小龍 Jasper (Shanghai) & 貳偽馬 (Nanjing)
Design & layout by 鄭道元 Cheng Daoyuan
Special thanks to 漸強器樂現場 Crescendo Music Festival Crew & 活水 Flowing Water

© & ℗ WV Sorcerer Productions 2024
Instagram: @wv_sorcerer_productions