WV070 ꆀꃅꆈꌠꉙꇁꑵꃚ ꂱꆹꊨꌠ:ꉼꉹ Nuosu Music from Liangshan Vol. 1: Mouth Harp
▼WV070: ꆀꃅꆈꌠꉙꇁꑵꃚ ꂱꆹꊨꌠ:ꉼꉹ 涼山彝族音樂 第一輯:口弦
Nuosu Music from Liangshan Vol. 1: Mouth Harp
Music performed by:
ꄹꄷꀈꉐ 的的阿哈 Didi Aha / ꐚꈬꀘꉐ 吉古比哈 Jigu Biha / ꀑꄷꆿꌋ 俄的拉色 Edi Lase / ꉆꆹꀖꀘꃀ 海來比比嫫 Hailai Bibimo / ꀊꃴꌅꁈ 阿五子坡 Awu Zipo / ꀍꃈꐎꑳ 俄木曲以 Emu Quyi / ꀍꃈꇐꐎ 俄木爾曲 Emu Erqu
Recorded by:
ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu
-12" dark violet marble or black LP
- 6-panel cover, black ink printed on heavy kraft paper (no pocket)
- Bonus CD with album tracks + 3 bonus tracks
- Booklet with detailed introduction text in Yi, Chinese, and English languages
- Obi + a set of postcards
- Limited Edition of 240 (dark violet) / 160 (black)
I can't even remember how I met Ribu for the first time, but I do know that for nearly six or seven years he returned to the Liangshan region, his homeland in Southwest China, travelling to every different dialect area, recording and filming again and again. He walked through the villages on the cliffs, stayed in the homes of local musicians, talked by the fire at night, attended the sacred Nimucuobi ceremony for the dead on the snowy mountain, drank alcohol and slaughtered sheep at weddings and funerals. As a native Nuosu people, Ribu is passionate about his own culture and strives to protect it by documenting and recording as much as possible. These recordings are not taken from the tourist attractions, but with the utmost love for his homeland.
WV Sorcerer Productions feel privileged to have the opportunity to work with Eryi Ribu on the release of a series of traditional Nuosu music from Liangshan, and the first chapter will be dedicated to the mouth harp, an ancient instrument that has been telling their stories for thousands of years.
This album is the result of years of work by Eryi Ribu, a selection of recordings from various mouth harp musicians of different ages and from different areas of Liangshan. Some of the musicians live in villages that are inaccessible to outsiders. This is an invaluable collection both as an art form and as a social archive - the pearl of Nuosu culture.
Putting aside the cultural contexts for a moment and just listening to the music, you'll find that this album is full of emotion and musicality, with complex layers of sound. The brass and bamboo mouth harps can have from one to five pieces in a single instrument, and the musician can produce multiple tones simultaneously with a very distinctive melody. It's no exaggeration to describe some parts as psychedelic music, while this music is certainly culturally significant as a heritage of the Nuosu people, it also takes you on a journey to a wider world.
巫唱片很榮幸能有這個機會,和阿布(本名:ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布)一起,出版涼山彝族的這一系列傳統音樂,第一輯我們選擇了口弦,古老的樂器,講述著幾千年間的日出日落。
- 若潭 Ruò Tán
ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu
Born in Meigu county of Liangshan region, he has been working on field recording and documentary filming in the Nuosu areas since 2016. Being a witness to various radical changes that are taking place there, he is now in the post-production stage of his documentary about his home village, any help will be appreciated, if you are interested, please getting touch via WeChat: regeribu / IG: regeribu / Weibo: 惹格日布.
彝族,大涼山美姑縣人,自2016年開始進行彝族地區田野錄音和紀錄片拍攝的工作。這幾年他一直待在自己家鄉記錄著那里的春夏秋冬,生老病死,目睹了正在發生的各種變遷。他拍攝的關於家鄉村莊的紀錄片現在已經進入後期制作階段,需要剪輯和資金等方面的幫助,有興趣了解更多的朋友可以通過以下方式聯系他:微信:regeribu / IG:regeribu / 微博:惹格日布。
1. ꉼꊇꀉꐡꐥ 殘缺的土墻 Cob Wall In Debris 02:29
2. ꈨꑭꅐꇁꆫꌺꈁꑓꌸ 晨曦灑在牧童臉上 Visage Of Corydon In Sunrise 02:36
3. ꋧꃅꐞꁧꌠꉠꀉꄉ 我已逝去的父親 Departed Father 02:34
4. ꐱꑴꎰꆈꌿꋦꌿꄄꄖ 在井野碩諾杉林間 In The Forest Of Jingye Shuonuo 03:12
5. ꍆꀕꈌꏑꆪ 喜鵲迎春 Magpies Greeting Spring 02:52
6. ꁡꇤꀉꆹ 古老的村莊 Ancient Villages 02:26
7. ꄔꋩꄔꈩꇁ 相約火把節 Torch Festival 02:07
8. ꍶꈅꁧꑭ 齒可波西 Chike Boxi 01:53
9. ꑾꌺꈩꃅꌒ 快樂的小羊羔 Joyful Lambkin 01:01
10. ꀉꂿ 母親 Mother 01:30
11. ꈎꆪꐚꃰꏿ 歲月匆匆 Fleeting Years 01:28
12. ꒉꇸꇉꇬꆧꌺ 月亮與井 Moon And Well 02:13
13. ꉠꃅꈋ 我的故鄉 Place Of My Origins 02:58 video
14. ꀊꌱꑞꃅꀱꀋꇁ 阿惹為何不回來 Why Isn't A-Re Coming Back 01:33
15. ꈌꃅꃰꄩꈹ 雪地上的攆山狗 Hounds On Snow Field 02:19
16. ꁬꈤꐛꑿꇖ 蜂落野花 Wild Flower And The Landing Bees 02:20
17. ꎧꑵꑘꀕ 酒後碎語 Drunk Chatterer 03:11
18. ꑌꑿꄄꆈꐛ 黑綿羊 Black Sheep 02:05
19. ꀊꁮꊴꇉꊳꈩꁍ 阿布澤洛麋鹿 Elk Abu Zelo 01:54
20. ꄇꉼꋴꅪ 丹紅紮妮 Skirt Danhong Zhani 01:59
21. ꒉꇸꀈꐔ 背水姑娘 The Girl Who Carries Water On Her Back 01:34
22. ꁦꀑꒉꐑ 山澗溪流 Mountain Rivulet 02:31
23. ꂃꏂꀯꐎꐛꀐ 褪色的百褶裙 Faded Pleated Skirt (CD Bonus) 02:31
24. ꆫꃅꂿꏿꆪ 又到播種季 Sowing Season (CD Bonus) 02:53
25. ꈾꃨꀕꇁꌦꀐ 蕎花已開 The Buckwheat Has Bloomed (CD Bonus) 01:35
released July 7, 2023
ꄹꄷꀈꉐ 的的阿哈 Didi Aha: Track 1-6 & 23-24
ꐚꈬꀘꉐ 吉古比哈 Jigu Biha: Track 7 & 8
ꀑꄷꆿꌋ 俄的拉色 Edi Lase: Track 9, 18-21 & 25
ꉆꆹꀖꀘꃀ 海來比比嫫 Hailai Bibimo: Track 10 & 16
ꀊꃴꌅꁈ 阿五子坡 Awu Zipo: Track 11
ꀍꃈꐎꑳ 俄木曲以 Emu Quyi: Track 12-15 & 22
ꀍꃈꇐꐎ 俄木爾曲 Emu Erqu: Track 17
ꉉꀽ 注釋 Annotations:
Yi people from Liangshan region call themselves Nuosu, and they speak Nuosu language which is the northern dialect of Yi.
Track 01-08, 12-20, and 23-25: ꄵꏅꉼꉹ 銅製口弦 Brass mouth harp
Track 09-11 and 21-22: ꂷꁻꉼꉹ 竹製口弦 Bamboo mouth harp
Track 04: ꐱꑴꎰꆈꆹꆀꃅꆈꌠꌧꇐꈍꑌꄚꄉꅐ。
Jingye Shuonuo, the name of a mountain in Liangshan region, has a deep cultural root to Nuosu.
Track 08: ꍶꈌꁧꑭꆹꂷꁻꉸꉷꅐꂓꅑꅉ。
Chike Boxi has been the most renowned location for producing mouth harps in the history of Nuosu people.
Track 14: ꀊꌱꆹꊨꏦꅿꉂꊿꄜ。
The literal meaning of “A-Re” refers to a female cousin, but in love songs or music, it refers to one's beloved.
Track 19: ꀊꁮꊴꇉꆹꀊꄙꃅꈋꁦꌺꂓꅑꂷ。
Abu Zelo is a famous mountain located in the Adu dialect area of Liangshan region.
Track 20: ꄇꉼꋴꅪꆹꀉꄙꃅꈋꀈꐔꅿꃢꃅꈚꎔꑵ
Danhong Zhani is a delicate women's garment in the Adu dialect area, meaning a red pleated skirt.
Produced by ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu & 若潭 Ruò Tán
Tracks selected and text written by ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu & ꎰꌺꇜꉐ 索日格哈 Suori Geha
Recorded by ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu between 2016-2021
with the assistance of 阿初 Nga-Tsul during October 2020 - January 2021
Mastered by Thomas Stadnicki
Photography by ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu
with additional photos by 阿福 A-Fu, 石頭 Shi Tou & unknown artists
Photography on CD and on side A vinyl label by 莊學本 Zhuang Xueben (1909-1984)
Design & layout by 若潭 Ruò Tán
Modern Yi script translation by ꎰꌺꇜꉐ 索日格哈 Suori Geha
Classical Yi script translation & calligraphy by 珠尼阿依 Zhuni Ayi
Booklet text translated to English by 韋瑋 Wei Wei
Proofread by Jay Nichvolodov
Track titles and annotations translated to English by 施金豆 otay:onii
© & ℗ ꇐꑳꒉꁬ 爾衣日布 Eryi Ribu & WV Sorcerer Productions
Instagram: @regeribu & @wv_sorcerer_productions