WV069 Li Jianhong & Wen Zhiyong & Deng Boyu (CN) - 歲寒三友 Les Trois Amis de l'hiver 2CD



▼WV069: 李劍鴻 Li Jianhong & 文智湧 Wen Zhiyong & 鄧博宇 Deng Boyu - 歲寒三友 Les Trois Amis de l'hiver

- 6-panel digipak double CD
- reverse board & printed inner spines
- 4 postcards (3 musician live photos + 1 painting of Zhao Mengjian, Song dynasty)

One year ago, in the midst of the epidemic and the lockdown in Beijing, we had the chance to record this unforgettable night. Three musicians who have never stopped exploring their respective fields, made this improvised music encounter and go to a new horizon with us, at the now-closed 24D venue in the winter of 2021.

"Les Trois Amis de l'hiver (Three Friends of Winter)" refers to the three species of plants: pine, bamboo, and plum, which are named after their ability to remain vigorous during the winter months. It is also a symbol of noble character in traditional Chinese culture. In this live collaboration, the three musicians presented their musical "skills" as well as their tacit understanding. Subtle rhythms and sound effects, undulating atmospheres and emotions were interspersed throughout the performance. With vitality and imagination flowing incessantly, from a tunnel into another, into the light of the ruins.

In between the different instruments and the balanced/unbalanced dynamics, in addition to the "Less is More" part, there is a rich interplay of sound. The eastern aura emerges just right, but not overwhelming. Beyond these "deft" passages, there is a deep and vast gaze, from a monolith on black earth, floating and slowly breaking into pieces after millions of years of stillness, merging into the Milky Way.

The recording is mixed by Deng Boyu and carefully mastered by Thomas Stadnicki in Belgium. We have chosen this double CD format instead of vinyl, to preserve and capture the full length of the performance.

In a night of free improvisation, noise, and psychedelic music, the illusion and the reality, the past and the future meet here.




這份錄音經過鄧博宇的混音和比利時母帶師Thomas Stadnicki的打磨,終於正式出版。這次我們放棄了黑膠格式,而選擇出版這份雙CD,是為了能夠保留曲目的長度,完整記錄這次演出的全貌。


1. 進入河谷的第二束光 The Second Light Shining into the River Valley 19:36
2. 隘道 The Passage 07:50
3. 從一條隧道鑽入另一條隧道 From a Tunnel into Another 11:43
4. 黑色沈澱物 Black Sediment 16:28
5. 廢墟之下 Beneath the Ruin 14:27
6. 銀島 The Silver Island 32:49
7. 燈塔之舞 Dance of the Lighthouse 10:58

It’s been too long since I’ve been the comforting throes of noise guitar demigod Li Jianhong - a cosmic journey each and every time. But to have drummer Deng Boyu and trumpeter/sound artist Wen Zhiyong on hand was the (double) cherry on top. A beautiful improvisational symphony of musical dissonance - as high-pitched guitar shockwaves clashed and merged with droning trumpet and sax (Wen Zhiyong utilized what I believed to be a digital vape-sized sax) and pummeling yet graceful free jazz drums. Describing it is pretty useless but I was nevertheless enraptured for the entirety of the almost hour-long performance.


- liveCNmusic

「歲寒三友」在臨近尾聲時,發生過神奇而極富戲劇性的一幕。鄧博宇的一支鼓棒突然打飛到了李劍鴻的腳下,老李條件反射一樣拾起鼓棒,然後拉鋸著琴弦。文智湧則瞬間掏出Ipad,讓光怪陸離的電子蝌蚪從Ipad通道中傾巢而出。這場演出雖已過去足足一年有余。但如此瞬間卻是即興時「刀光劍影」的濃縮、又與沈靜下來的曲徑通幽形成動靜之反差。蒼松、勁竹、寒梅、聲川、音海、畫卷...... 在那一晚,爆裂與冷峻始終相互制約,卻又從容共生激蕩。「三位一體」的耀眼終章,在最後一個音符接近消散時,似乎畫上句號卻又開啟了新的可能。

- 吳凡夫

Li Jianhong
He has been an active noise/improvisation musician in China since the late 1990s. In addition to his solo projects, he has also played in groups such as VagusNerve, Mind Fiber, and D!O!D!O!D!. Li Jianhong's music is mainly guitar improvisation ranging between noise and psychedelic music. In 2008 he started to develop a new direction under the name of "environmental improvisation", then in 2011 he released a series of the album "Twelve Moods", "Empty Mountain" and "Here Is It". He has more than 50 releases including solo albums, collaborative works, and compilations, from labels such as P.S.F., Utech, Archive, WV Sorcerer, Dusty Ballz, and Ramble Records from all over the world.

自上世紀90年代末以來,他一直是國內活躍的噪音/即興音樂人。除了個人solo計劃之外,還參與了迷走神經(VagusNerve)、Mind Fiber和D!O!D!O!D!等組合。李劍鴻的音樂以吉他即興演奏為主,風格遊走於即興、噪音、迷幻音樂之間。2008年開始以「環境即興」為名在環境與演奏的相互關系中開拓創作新方向。2011年推出的系列唱片《十二境》、《空山》、《在這里》對「環境即興」這一概念和風格進行了全新和完整的解析和展示。目前已在PSF、Utech、Archive、WV Sorcerer、Dusty Ballz、Ramble Records等廠牌推出近50多張個人、合作和合集作品,發行國家和地區包括中國、美國、日本、比利時、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、法國、秘魯和澳大利亞等。

Wen Zhiyong
Born in 1973, trumpeter, composer, and producer. Studied with Ji Ruikai, Adolf Holler, Kurt Weiss, and Alex Sipiagin. Active since the early 1990s, he played classical and jazz music in several orchestras and bands, such as: Beijing Symphony Orchestra and Red Hand Quintet. Also released numerous ambient music albums with Dou Wei, in the Bu Yi Ding band, Chao Jian duo etc.

曾師從冀瑞凯、Adolf Holler、Kurt Weiss、Alex Sipiagin。

Deng Boyu
Originally from Inner Mongolia, drummer Deng Boyu's work covers a wide range of different styles including rock, jazz, noise, and free improvisation. Since the late 1990s, Deng Boyu has been active in the Chinese music underground, participating in numerous bands and projects, notably Dawanggang, Wu Tiao Ren, Yerboli, and Hai Qing. As an improviser, Deng Boyu has performed with musicians both in and out of China, including Xiao He, Wu Na, Mamer, Lao Dan, Lee Ranaldo, Marc Ribot, Akira Sakata, Sabu Toyozumi, Shinpei Ruike, Theresa Wong, Steven Buchanan, Masayo Koketsu, and Federico Casagrande. Boyu is also a member of the band Red Scarf and TuTu Duo.
Released albums from the label such as Old Heaven Books, Badhead, Dusty Ballz, Nobusiness, and Café Oto.

生於內蒙古,職業鼓手。曾在多個樂團中擔任鼓手,演奏風格涵蓋流行、搖滾、噪音、先鋒爵士和自由即興。他同時也是一位前衛電子音樂人,在舊天堂書店、Badhead、Dusty Ballz、Nobusiness、Café Oto等廠牌出版過多張專輯。(曾)參與樂隊:五條人、紅領巾(Red Scarf)、TuTu Duo等。至今為止,曾與國內外很多重要的音樂人和樂隊合作,包括:老丹,馬木爾、小河、巫娜、豐江舟、李劍鴻、李帶菓、李增輝、馮昊、大忘杠、王曉芳、周鳳嶺、葉爾波利、椅子樂團、Lee Ranaldo、Marc Ribot、阪田明(Akira sakata)、豐住芳三郎、類家心平、Steven Buchanan、Federico Casagrande、纐纈雅代等。
released February 3, 2023

李劍鴻 Li Jianhong: Guitar, Electronics
文智湧 Wen Zhiyong: Trumpet, Gudi (bone flute), Synthesizer
鄧博宇 Deng Boyu: Drums

Recorded live by 張碩 Zhang Shuo
at 24D, Beijing, China, 27th November 2021
Mixed by 鄧博宇 Deng Boyu
Mastered by Thomas Stadnicki
Design, layout & cover photo by 若潭 Ruò Tán
Concert photo by 東四北圖片社 Dongsi North Photos
English translation by 韋瑋 Wei Wei

Special thanks to:
邵強 Shao Qiang, 吳凡夫 Wu Fanfu

© & ℗ WV Sorcerer Productions 2022-2023
Instagram: @wv_sorcerer_productions