WV035 Dope Purple (TW) - Grateful End CD

13.00 - 19.80


▼WV035/052: Dope Purple - Grateful End


- 6-panel trifold cover in 7" format
- w* obi (printed front & back)

Special Edition:
- w" USB necklace, including an exclusive documentary of the band
- first 10 copies w* autograph of the band (necklace version)
- limited edition of 66 (w* necklace) and 110 (no necklace) from WV Sorcerer

Cosmic psychedelic noise rock from Taipei underground.

This is a co-release between the renowned long-time running psychedelic label Riot Season Records (Acid Mothers Temple, Mainliner, 秘部痺れ Hibushibire, Aluk Todolo, The Cosmic Dead and more) from Black Country of UK & WV Sorcerer Productions.

Formed in 2016, Dope Purple channel influences from hard rock, noise and psychedelia with a particular emphasis on sounds from the Japanese underground, into a sweat-drenched, earsplitting, cosmic guitar explosion.


“Grateful End” is our album release in 2019 in the form of CD and cassette. The title “Grateful End” clearly shows that this is our album with the theme of “End”, such as “The Last Day of Humanity” and “Good Night, Good Death” are two of our songs with the theme of “End”. However, this album also has another theme of “Live”, in fact most of the songs on this album are based on our imagination of “Live”. “End” is not the antonym of “Live”, “End” is just one of the stages of “Live”, in other words “End” is also our “Live”. “Grateful End” is a meaningful “End” for people struggling to “Live”. It is only when the “End” comes together with “Live” that we can find significance in it and pay attention to how people face the “End” of “Live”. The End of something enables us to understand “Live”.

Most of the tracks for Grateful End were recorded in 2018, before the epidemic, so our music doesn't reflect the situation of epidemic, but there was a time in 2020 when I thought about the reality that humanity was facing the last day of humanity. Thanks to the efforts of many people, humanity is not yet extinct, and thanks to the help of many people, we can now release this vinyl. We are very grateful to all of you. But at the same time, the plight of the epidemic has re-emerged many humanity and morality issues that we have avoided looking at. Maybe we won't die out, but if we don't face our humanity squarely, we will lose our humanity in the future and will no longer be human. I don't know what our music can do about humanity, but it is true that music is one of the creations of humanity, and music cannot leave humanity. As music lovers, our creations will always face humanity. I hope that in the future, after the epidemic is over, we can understand and inspire each other through our lives and music. See you soon.
- K.P. Liu

《Grateful End》是我們2019年以CD跟卡帶的形式發行的專輯作品。從《Grateful End》這個專輯名稱就可以知道這是我們以「結束」為主題的專輯,如「人類最後的一天」、「甜美的夜晚、甜美的死亡」的兩首是我們以「結束」為主題的歌曲。然而這專輯還有一個主題是「生存」,實際上這張專輯的大部分跟歌曲是根據我們對「生存」的想像創作。「結束」並不是「生存」的反義詞,「結束」其實只是個「生存」的其中一個階段而已,換句話「結束」也是我們「生存」中的因素之一。「Grateful End」就是拼命掙扎「生存」的人們經過的偉大「結束」。「結束」本身沒有任何意義,只有「結束」跟「生存」一起的時候,我們才會從中找出意義,關注人如何在這些「生存」之中面對「結束」。東西的「結束」,讓我們體會「生存」。
《Grateful End》的大部分樂曲是2018年錄音,當時還沒有發生疫情狀況,所以我們的樂曲也並沒有反映這些疫情的事情,但2020年我有一段時期真的想過是不是現實人類要快面臨「人類最後的一天」了。由於很多人的努力,現在人類還沒有滅亡,由於很多人的幫忙,我們也可以發行這張黑膠了。我們非常感謝大家。但同時疫情的困境重新展現出了我們一直避免直視的很多人性道德之問題。或許我們不會滅亡,但如果我們沒有好好面對我們自己的人性,未來我們還是會失去人性,不再是人類了。我不知道我們的音樂對人性問題具體能做什麼,但的確音樂就是人性的產物之一,音樂永遠不能離開人性。作為音樂的享受者,我們的創作會一直面對人性。希望疫情結束後的未來,通過現場跟錄音,我們可以互相理解互相改變。再見。
- 劉堅白

「Grateful End的五首歌巧妙連接並敘述了一首獻給世界從崩離到毀滅再到新生的贊美詩。」

「藏在專輯名到樂隊名本身中的暗語無一不是對那些獨屬於上世紀記憶中的聲音的遙遠呼喚,而在抱著尋找那些古早聲音痕跡的念想細細聆聽這張專輯的同時,聽者又被無數大膽的放射電波幹擾視線,隨著Dope Purple天馬行空的即興沈浸於宇宙深處的迷幻星塵。」

- AymParch

1. 我的邪惡 My Evilness 07:05
2. Cosmic Rock Is Not Dead 09:00
3. 人類最後的一天/甜美的夜晚,甜美的死亡 The Last Day Of Humanity/Good Night, And Good Death 10:37
4. New Man 04:38

LP released on 16.04.2021
New 7" CD releases on 01.11.2024

LP released on 16.04.2021
New 7" CD releases on 01.11.2024

Dope Purple
K.P. Liu: Guitar, Voice
Hung Jiun Chi: Guitar
Wang Hu Ray: Bass
Speed Justin Tao: Drums
YunHao: Synthesizer

Recorded at Revolver, Taipei, 15th December 2018 & 9th March 2019
Recording: K.P. Liu
Mixing & mastering: 濁朗 Darklaw

Concert photography: 富靈子 Fulingga
(except the temple photo by SHAME love)
2024 CD version cover photography: 若潭 Ruò Tán & 陳君典 Chen Chun-Tien
Design & layout: 若潭 Ruò Tán

© & ℗ Riot Season Records & WV Sorcerer Productions 2021-2024

Instagram: @wv_sorcerer_productions