WV110 鄭道元 Cheng Daoyuan (TW) - Arrow from Morrow (OST) CD
▼WV110: 鄭道元 Cheng Daoyuan - Arrow from Morrow (OST)
●●●discount price 12€ during pre-order, will be set back to 14€ after the album is released
- jewel case CD
- obi
- 8-pages insert
- limited edition of 120 (from WV Sorcerer)
Taiwanese sound artist Cheng Daoyuan has been actively expanding his sonic aesthetics into diverse fields in recent years. In 2023, he collaborated with choreographer Wu Wenyi as the sound producer and co-creator of the structural design for the dance theater production “Crevice, Unfolded, Arrow from Morrow”. The work explores with self-awareness, the cycles of repetition and stripping between the self and the external world.
In the soundtrack album “Arrow from Morrow”, Cheng Daoyuan crafts a tense and suspended atmosphere through fragmented textures and sequential patterns, transforming twitching, blurry imagery into his signature sound aesthetics. The connection between the theater space and performers’ physical sensations forms a vital thread in his sonic development. Distorted timbres oscillate between contrasts of fullness and emptiness, balancing spatial dynamics while transcending corporeality, and engaging in a dialectical confrontation with the self. For this project, Cheng further experiments with intricate, diverse compositional structures and styles, marking a significant breakthrough in his creative journey.
This hour-long soundtrack incorporates elements of industrial, noise, electronic, musique concrète, and drone. As the opening track, “Reformed (to last)” serves as entrance music, with its layered repetitions and warped vocal elements metaphorically representing the axis of self-confrontation. “Dendrite Calls”, the second track, serves as a scattered starting point, weaving fragmented sounds into a dreamlike, extended narrative, building tension through the deconstruction of field recordings. Tracks “Stimulus Circle” and “rTMS” represent the core of violence, transitioning from industrial beats to chaotic noise waves, embodying the peak of confrontation and the focal point of pressure.
“Debris of Here”, the fifth track, introduces a poetry recital to reveal the text that underpins the entire work, accompanied by descending piano keys that evoke a melancholic atmosphere. Tracks six through eight form a cohesive chapter, where emotions follow the changes in timbre and rhythmic patterns—rising, plunging, reverberating, and gradually expanding. Poetic texts and reconstructed elements of field recordings echo and refocus on the core theme of the work. The exit music, “Crevice and Unfolded”, gathers the remaining emotions into solemn, extended phrases. Subtle disturbances linger within the sustained soundscape as granular, threadlike, and fragmented sonic layers ripple and spread in endless cycles. In the end, only the creases of the self remain.
The boundaries between sections blur, as ambiguity becomes the key to delving inward. This work seeks to create an axis that drifts yet converges, weaving consciousness and emotion through the reconstruction and projection of text and bodily language, hidden within the far side of sound. Over this hour, time is stripped of meaning by the facets of emotion, as the frequencies draw forth marrow-like intensity—magnifying to the edges, and returning to the dawn.
在原聲帶《Arrow from Morrow》中,鄭道元以碎裂的質地與循序的紋理打造出強烈而懸置的氛圍,將抽搐模糊的意象輪廓轉化為他一貫的聲響美學。劇場空間與演出者體感的連結是聲音發展的重要脈絡,失真的音色擺盪在充盈與虛匱的對比中,制衡空間的同時遊離本體,在與自我的對峙間再次辯證。於此之中,這次更嘗試細膩多變的編曲結構與風格,是他聲音創作進程中的一大突破。
這張一小時的原聲帶涵蓋工業、噪音、電子、具象及延音等眾多元素。作為入場音樂,曲一《迴 Reformed (to last)》以重複堆疊的曲調與形變的人聲隱喻自我對峙的軸心;曲二《揚突 Dendrite Calls》是散落的起點,以大量碎裂的聲響構成恍惚的長幅敘事,在環境錄音的解構中施加張力。曲三《複刺 Stimulus Circle》及曲四《迫想 rTMS》是暴力的核心,從工業重擊延續至噪音波瀾,兩種狂亂狀態象徵對峙的高峰,同時也是壓力的集點。曲五《遺盡 Debris of Here》由詩歌朗誦揭示了貫穿本作的文本,並以落下的琴鍵鋪蓋悵然的氛圍;接續至曲六至八,作為一完整篇章,情緒依循音色與節奏紋理的變化在抬升後下潛,經迴盪的沉澱後再緩步擴張,以詩歌、環境錄音等再現的元素呼應並聚焦於本作的軸心。離場配樂《Crevice and Unfolded》將餘下的情緒收攬至沈穆的長篇樂句中,延音氛圍中仍帶著些許擾動,點狀、絲狀和片狀的蟄伏蔓延在無止盡的循環中,最終只剩自我的皺摺仍殘存於此。
01. 迴 Reformed (to last) 03:21
02. 揚突 Dendrite Calls 13:39
03. 複刺 Stimulus Circle 05:40
04. 迫想 rTMS 05:46
05. 遺盡 Debris of Here 11:10
06. 間落 In Blur 04:49
07. 除我 Or else, besides 04:52
08. 受 Received (at first) 04:44
09. Crevice and Unfolded 08:39
releases February 7, 2025
The Original Sound Track was made for the dance-theatre performance ‘Crevice, Unfolded, Arrow from Morrow’, directed by Wu Wenyi, which took place at WAN Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan from 5th to 8th October, 2023. This production is supported by the National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan).
Arrow from Morrow (OST)
Music composed and produced by Cheng Daoyuan 鄭道元
Conception by Wu Wenyi 吳汶憶 and Cheng Daoyuan 鄭道元
‘Romance Sonámbulo (Federico García Lorca)’ recitation in tracks 1, 5, 7, and 8, by Gala Maria
Field recording materials by Wu Wenyi 吳汶憶
Mixed by Cheng Daoyuan 鄭道元
Mastered by Thomas Stadnicki
Cover photography by Wu Wenyi 吳汶憶
Insert photography by Jungle Chiang 江佳霖 and Wu Kaichieh 吳凱傑
Artwork, design, and layout by Cheng Daoyuan 鄭道元
Arrow from Morrow (performance)
Director/Creators: Wu Wenyi
Choreography/Performance: Wu Wenyi, Chung Kaining, Ho Hsin, Cheng Szuhao, Kuo Yenju
Collaborative Creation/Sound Design: Cheng Daoyuan
Lighting Design: Jian Fangyu
Lighting Crew: Zhang Shidi, Zhang Shaocheng, Hu Yichieh
Stage Manager: Ares Liu
Executive Producers: Stand The Test Of Time Ltd.
Video Production: Wu Wenyi, Cheng Daoyuan
Photography: Wu Wenyi, Jungle Chiang, Wu Kaichieh
Documentation: Jungle Chiang, Wu Kaichieh, Liu Zhejun
Sponsors: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Norbi Animal Hospital
© & ℗ WV Sorcerer Productions 2025
Instagram: @wv_sorcerer_productions
Instagram: @clansiechengdaoyuan